Apartamento T1+1 em Barreiro Barreiro, UDF De Barreiro E Lavradio
Ref. QRSO1850 Venda 135.000 €
48 m²

Apartamento T1+1 no Coração do Barreiro Descubra este encantador apartamento T1+1, situado na pitoresca zona ribeirinha do centro histórico do Barreiro. Com cerca de 50m², este imóvel exemplifica o significativo investimento na reabilitação desta área icónica. Localizado no r/c, o apartamento destaca-se pelo seu design moderno e pela integração harmoniosa da sala e cozinha em open space, criando um ambiente acolhedor e funcional. A cozinha, equipada com placa, forno, exaustor, termoacumulador e pré-instalação de ar-condicionado, atende a todas as necessidades modernas. O quarto principal é um refúgio de tranquilidade, enquanto o espaço adicional, ideal para um escritório ou quarto de hóspedes, oferece versatilidade. Com um WC cada detalhe foi cuidadosamente pensado. Acabamentos contemporâneos e iluminação estratégica complementam o apelo estético deste apartamento. Reabilitação e Crescimento no Centro Histórico do Barreiro A localização privilegiada deste apartamento no centro histórico do Barreiro proporciona uma vivência autêntica, imersa na rica herança da região. Em um edifício de duas frações, oferece um ambiente tranquilo e, ao mesmo tempo, está estrategicamente posicionado perto de transportes, serviços, escolas e restaurantes. A proximidade à Avenida da Praia é um destaque, facilitando o acesso a um parque infantil, piscina municipal e várias atividades desportivas para toda a família. Estar na segunda linha garante uma atmosfera serena, enquanto a praia fluvial de Alburrica, a apenas 10 minutos a pé, oferece uma opção refrescante e relaxante. Barreiro: Harmonia entre História e Modernidade Este apartamento oferece o equilíbrio perfeito entre a serenidade histórica do Barreiro e as comodidades modernas. Situado na margem sul do rio Tejo, em frente a Lisboa, o Barreiro está estrategicamente posicionado entre as pontes Vasco da Gama e 25 de Abril, e a apenas 25 minutos das praias da Costa da Caparica. A cidade dispõe de uma rede de transportes públicos bem desenvolvida, incluindo comboios, autocarros e um ferry direto para Lisboa (20 min). Oportunidade Imperdível no Barreiro Não perca a oportunidade de viver numa zona em plena revitalização, onde a tradição se encontra com a modernidade. Marque já a sua visita e descubra o potencial deste deslumbrante apartamento T1+1 no centro histórico do Barreiro. Referência interna QRSO1850 Consultora: Silvia Valentim Se está a pensar comprar ou vender a sua casa, nós estamos aqui para o ajudar. O seu sonho é o nosso compromisso ! Site: Quality Real Estate Instagram: @quality.realestate Precisa de financiamento? Nós tratamos de tudo por si! Beneficie de um serviço de Intermediação de crédito rápido e eficaz! Analisamos cada processo de uma forma personalizada, respeitando as reais necessidades de cada cliente. Somos intermediários de Crédito registado no Banco de Portugal, N° de registo 0006614 Link: bportugal.pt/intermediariocredito Resolução de Conflitos : centroarbitragemlisboa.pt/ cniacc.pt/pt/ T1+1 Apartment in the Heart of Barreiro Discover this charming T1+1 apartment located in the picturesque riverside area of Barreiro's historic center. With approximately 50m², this property exemplifies the significant investment in the rehabilitation of this iconic area. Situated on the ground floor, the apartment stands out for its modern design and the harmonious integration of the living room and kitchen in an open space, creating a cozy and functional environment. The kitchen, equipped with a cooktop, oven, extractor fan, water heater, and pre-installation for air conditioning, meets all modern needs. The main bedroom is a tranquil retreat, while the additional space, ideal for an office or guest room, offers versatility. With one bathroom, every detail has been carefully thought out. Contemporary finishes and strategic lighting complement the aesthetic appeal of this apartment. Rehabilitation and Growth in the Historic Center of Barreiro The privileged location of this apartment in Barreiro's historic center provides an authentic living experience immersed in the region's rich heritage. In a building with two units, it offers a tranquil environment while being strategically positioned close to transportation, services, schools, and restaurants. Proximity to Avenida da Praia is a highlight, facilitating access to a playground, municipal pool, and various sports activities for the whole family. Being on the second line ensures a serene atmosphere, while Alburrica beach, just a 10-minute walk away, offers a refreshing and relaxing option. Barreiro: Harmony Between History and Modernity This apartment offers the perfect balance between Barreiro's historical serenity and modern conveniences. Located on the southern bank of the Tagus River, facing Lisbon, Barreiro is strategically positioned between the Vasco da Gama and 25 de Abril bridges, and just 25 minutes from the beaches of Costa da Caparica. The city has a well-developed public transport network, including trains, buses, and a direct ferry to Lisbon (20 min). Unmissable Opportunity in Barreiro Don't miss the chance to live in an area undergoing significant revitalization, where tradition meets modernity. Schedule your visit now and discover the potential of this stunning T1+1 apartment in Barreiro's historic center. Internal Reference QRSO1850 Consultant: Silvia Valentim If you are thinking of buying or selling your home, we are here to help. Your dream is our commitment! Website: Quality Real Estate Instagram: @quality.realestate Need financing? We take care of everything for you! Benefit from a fast and efficient credit intermediation service! We analyze each process in a personalized way, respecting the real needs of each client. We are registered Credit Intermediaries with the Bank of Portugal, Registration No. 0006614 Link: bportugal.pt/intermediariocredito Dispute Resolution: centroarbitragemlisboa.pt/ cniacc.pt/pt/

T1+1 Apartment in the Heart of Barreiro Discover this charming T1+1 apartment located in the picturesque riverside area of Barreiro's historic center. With approximately 50m², this property exemplifies the significant investment in the rehabilitation of this iconic area. Situated on the ground floor, the apartment stands out for its modern design and the harmonious integration of the living room and kitchen in an open space, creating a cozy and functional environment. The kitchen, equipped with a cooktop, oven, extractor fan, water heater, and pre-installation for air conditioning, meets all modern needs. The main bedroom is a tranquil retreat, while the additional space, ideal for an office or guest room, offers versatility. With one bathroom, every detail has been carefully thought out. Contemporary finishes and strategic lighting complement the aesthetic appeal of this apartment. Rehabilitation and Growth in the Historic Center of Barreiro The privileged location of this apartment in Barreiro's historic center provides an authentic living experience immersed in the region's rich heritage. In a building with two units, it offers a tranquil environment while being strategically positioned close to transportation, services, schools, and restaurants. Proximity to Avenida da Praia is a highlight, facilitating access to a playground, municipal pool, and various sports activities for the whole family. Being on the second line ensures a serene atmosphere, while Alburrica beach, just a 10-minute walk away, offers a refreshing and relaxing option. Barreiro: Harmony Between History and Modernity This apartment offers the perfect balance between Barreiro's historical serenity and modern conveniences. Located on the southern bank of the Tagus River, facing Lisbon, Barreiro is strategically positioned between the Vasco da Gama and 25 de Abril bridges, and just 25 minutes from the beaches of Costa da Caparica. The city has a well-developed public transport network, including trains, buses, and a direct ferry to Lisbon (20 min). Unmissable Opportunity in Barreiro Don't miss the chance to live in an area undergoing significant revitalization, where tradition meets modernity. Schedule your visit now and discover the potential of this stunning T1+1 apartment in Barreiro's historic center. Internal Reference QRSO1850 Consultant: Silvia Valentim If you are thinking of buying or selling your home, we are here to help. Your dream is our commitment! Website: Quality Real Estate Instagram: @quality.realestate Need financing? We take care of everything for you! Benefit from a fast and efficient credit intermediation service! We analyze each process in a personalized way, respecting the real needs of each client. We are registered Credit Intermediaries with the Bank of Portugal, Registration No. 0006614 Link: bportugal.pt/intermediariocredito Dispute Resolution: centroarbitragemlisboa.pt/ cniacc.pt/pt/

Appartement T1+1 au Cœur de Barreiro Découvrez ce charmant appartement T1+1 situé dans la pittoresque zone riveraine du centre historique de Barreiro. Avec environ 50m², cette propriété illustre l'investissement significatif dans la réhabilitation de cette zone emblématique. Situé au rez-de-chaussée, l'appartement se distingue par son design moderne et l'intégration harmonieuse du salon et de la cuisine en open space, créant un environnement chaleureux et fonctionnel. La cuisine, équipée d'une plaque de cuisson, d'un four, d'une hotte aspirante, d'un chauffe-eau et d'une pré-installation pour la climatisation, répond à tous les besoins modernes. La chambre principale est un refuge paisible, tandis que l'espace supplémentaire, idéal pour un bureau ou une chambre d'amis, offre de la polyvalence. Avec une salle de bain, chaque détail a été soigneusement pensé. Des finitions contemporaines et un éclairage stratégique complètent l'attrait esthétique de cet appartement. Réhabilitation et Croissance dans le Centre Historique de Barreiro L'emplacement privilégié de cet appartement dans le centre historique de Barreiro offre une expérience de vie authentique, immergée dans le riche patrimoine de la région. Dans un immeuble de deux unités, il offre un environnement paisible tout en étant stratégiquement positionné près des transports, des services, des écoles et des restaurants. La proximité de l'Avenida da Praia est un atout, facilitant l'accès à une aire de jeux, une piscine municipale et diverses activités sportives pour toute la famille. Être en deuxième ligne garantit une atmosphère sereine, tandis que la plage fluviale d'Alburrica, à seulement 10 minutes à pied, offre une option rafraîchissante et relaxante. Barreiro : Harmonie entre Histoire et Modernité Cet appartement offre l'équilibre parfait entre la sérénité historique de Barreiro et les commodités modernes. Situé sur la rive sud du fleuve Tage, en face de Lisbonne, Barreiro est stratégiquement positionné entre les ponts Vasco da Gama et 25 de Abril, et à seulement 25 minutes des plages de Costa da Caparica. La ville dispose d'un réseau de transports publics bien développé, comprenant des trains, des bus et un ferry direct pour Lisbonne (20 min). Opportunité à Ne Pas Manquer à Barreiro Ne manquez pas l'occasion de vivre dans une zone en pleine revitalisation, où la tradition rencontre la modernité. Prenez rendez-vous dès maintenant et découvrez le potentiel de cet appartement T1+1 magnifique dans le centre historique de Barreiro. Référence interne QRSO1850 Consultante : Silvia Valentim Si vous envisagez d'acheter ou de vendre votre maison, nous sommes là pour vous aider. Votre rêve est notre engagement ! Site web : Quality Real Estate Instagram : @quality.realestate Besoin de financement ? Nous nous occupons de tout pour vous ! Bénéficiez d'un service d'intermédiation de crédit rapide et efficace ! Nous analysons chaque dossier de manière personnalisée, en respectant les besoins réels de chaque client. Nous sommes intermédiaires de crédit enregistrés auprès de la Banque du Portugal, numéro d'enregistrement 0006614 Lien : bportugal.pt/intermediariocredito Résolution des Conflits : centroarbitragemlisboa.pt/ cniacc.pt/pt/

Estado Renovado
Ano de construção 1950
Preço m² 2812.5€
Equipamentos Placa, Exaustor, Forno
Infra-estruturas Vista Rio / Saneamento, Ligação à rede de energia, Ligação à rede de água / Caixilharias PVC, Estores Elétricos, Vidros Duplos / Ar Condicionado - Pré Instal. / Polibã, Resguardos de Polibã
Divisões Open SpaceQuartoQuartoW.C. Completo
Área envolvente Praça de Taxis / Farmácias / Escolas / Super Mercados / Parques / Zonas Verdes / Hospitais / Centros Comerciais / Centros Desportivos

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